Hybrid Experience Cloth Diaper Package - Give it a whirl!

Hybrid Experience Cloth Diaper Package - Give it a whirl!

$104.20 Sale Save
Shells Hook & Loop
Soakers No Prep

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New with cloth? Ready to give GroVia hybrids a try? 

The GroVia Hybrid Experience Package comes with 2 Hybrid Shells in Hook & Loop, Snap, or 1 of each. As well as two 2-packs of soakers. 

*if you have specific color requests for shells, please leave them in comment section at check out*

Choice of Organic Cotton soakers or No Prep Soakers.

What is the GroVia Diapering System?

GroVia is a modern, one-size diapering system. Its unique, waterproof shell and organic cotton soaker pad minimizes waste and cost. When the soaker pad is wet, simply replace with a fresh, dry one!

How does GroVia work?

GroVia is designed so that the outer shells may be used for multiple diaper changes. If the soaker pad is wet, simply snap in a fresh one and you are ready to go.  If the shell is wet, allow it to air dry and use for the next diaper change.  When your GroVia Shell is soiled or very saturated, start fresh with a new GroVia Shell.

Most GroVia System users will find that using 2-4 GroVia Shells are enough per day, although newborn babies may need more.

Shells can be used with the snap in soaker pads or you can use prefolds as well.